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First aid: would you know what to do?

Whilst first aid care is obviously no replacement for vet care it is what it says on the tin, 'first' aid - that initial managing of a situation until further advice/assessment/treatment can be sought. So here are some essential pieces that you may need/ need to know in order to manage a minor injury and prevent that whopping vet bill for just a bandage!

  • Dressing pad - provides a sterile smooth surface against a wound.

  • Cotton wool roll - provides padding over a wound.

  • Bandage (stretch gauze) - protects the wound and can be used to apply pressure.

  • Vet wrap - holds the bandage in place and protects from dirt getting in.

  • Saline - salt and boiled water mixed to create a sterile solution.

  • Antiseptic solution - like Hibi scrub, cleans and disinfects a wound.

  • Tick remover - specifically designed tweezers to twist a tick safely out of the skin.

  • Cone/pet shirt or other - to prevent further damage, removal of dressings or licking to the wounded area.

Top Tips for bandage management

  • In the summer use minimal padding to prevent the foot from overheating.

  • Change the dressing frequently to prevent rubbing, sores, and overheating and to monitor any infection and healing.

  • To make sure you cover the whole foot go over the toe first then cross over underneath to do a figure of 8.

  • To make sure it's not too tight, pull off the vet wrap from the roll then set it down on the foot. This prevents the bandage from applying tighter and tighter as you wrap it.

  • If you have a dog with a long nose or neck secure a rolled-up hair towel snuggly around their neck instead of a cone! We use a hair turban for Ruby the mini dachshund.

  • Use a long sock, plastic bag or pair of tights to cover for long-term use or when outdoors.

What to look out for:

Bleeding through - if your bandage is bleeding through take it off and apply more pressure. If the bleeding doesn't stop you can try 'quick stop' or cornflour before calling a vet for further assistance.

Too tight - you should be able to squeeze one finger down the bandage. It should be snug but not too tight as this will hinder circulation and healing.

Chewing - try and avoid your dog chewing any of the bandages as this can cause more damage and be a choking hazard. Cover the bandage with the tips above if they are unsupervised for any length of time.

Too hot - overheating can lead to further pain, inflammation and infection. Where you can leave the bandage off between changes to give the skin a chance to breathe. But watch out for licking!!

To download my quick and easy first-aid guide to access any time your in an emergency with your pet please click below...



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