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Treatment aftercare

It's important for us to make sure the owners/handlers fully know:

what to expect for the first few days after the treatment,

what to do to maximise the effects of the treatment itself,

how making some management or health adaptations can help achieve this

what further treatment their animal may need.

It is important that each aftercare prescribed is specific to the animal treated at that time and is dependant on considerations such as; their fitness level, injury/issue presented, and owner/rider’s capabilities.

Activity immediately post-treatment

  • Each individual will respond to treatment differently, particularly if it is the first session. They may be stiff, sore or show behavioural differences for a day or two after some adjustments, and need time for this to settle. Any change is good change, it's the body's way of processing the adjustments.

  • The first 24 hours of rest also allows balance restoration and the healing process to occur without interference. A short walk may be appropriate, provided it is controlled and the animal is unable to remain calm without an energy outlet. If there is extensive tension or imbalance, a longer period may be appropriate. Especially if a specific problem has been identified such as a poorly fitted saddle.

  • If the pelvis has been adjusted, the owner should ensure that the horse is turned in any tight circles around the side that was adjusted. This prevents over-stretching of the muscles around that side.

Resuming regular work

Exercise should be re-introduced gradually, with exercises such as quiet hacking, straight lines, gentle schooling for one or two days, then shorter than usual schooling, without asking too much for the remainder if the first 1-2 weeks.

A specific set of exercises or stretches may be recommended to do regularly in addition to your exercise routines to further strengthen musculoskeletal structures and build core stability.

These may include:

  • Carrot/ baited stretches

  • Passive leg stretches

  • Lateral flexion of the neck when ridden

  • Exercising on a gradient (upwards and downwards)

  • Varying pace/ transitions

  • Utilising obstacles (poles/ curbs)

Follow up treatments

It may be advised when the animal would benefit from follow-up treatment. In many cases, this may be after 2 weeks, to ensure that the adjustments have held. If the horse needed a lot of treatment, or it was felt that the treatment did not fully normalise the system, this follow-up is essential to continue with the adjustments. Other horses should be followed up if a saddle needs re-flocking or changing, or if the farrier is working with foot balance.

Ensure that repeat visits are coordinated with any competition schedules so that the horse can have some rest or quiet exercise for a day before competing.



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